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New IB online courses offered from Sept 2013 – Film & IT

New IB online courses offered from Sept 2013 – Film & IT

Article Date: 16 November 2011

Article Date: 16 November 2011

Would you be interested in studying Film or ICT as an on line course as part of your IB Diploma?

What about working in a global virtual classroom with students from around the world?

Motivated by the opportunity to use Web 2.0 tools as part of your learning and to develop 21st century skills applicable to any career?

For September 2012 Braintree Sixth Form will be working with the IB Organisation endorsed, non profit making, company Pamoja to deliver two new on line courses:

Film (SL – Group 6 - Arts)

Film is a powerful communication medium and an art form. This course aims to develop students’ skills so that they become adept both in interpreting others’ work and in creating their own films.

Through the study and analysis of film texts and exercises in practical filmmaking, the course explores film theory and history. Students will develop the creative, analytical and production skills to express themselves in film.

Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) (SL – Group 3 - Individuals and Societies)

This course involves the study and evaluation of the impact of information technology on individuals and society. The course explores the advantages and disadvantages of “digital culture”. Students make a systematic study of a range of technological, social and ethical issues. They develop an understanding of the capabilities of current and emerging IT systems and the impact of these systems on a range of stakeholders. Students use their knowledge of IT systems and practical IT skills to develop an original IT product for a specified client.

On-line courses:

  • are designed by IB experienced staff and all subject matter is approved by the IB
  • course delivery is continually monitored by the IB
  • internal assessments are the same as for students following face to face courses
  • students will be supported by a member of the Sixth Form staff who will receive training from Pamoja to act as the Site Based Coordinator (SBC) at Braintree Sixth Form
  • time commitment is 6-8 hours per week (including homework)

For further information or to express an interest in applying for one of these two courses please contact our IB Coordinator Mr Snell, [email protected]

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